General Info
The First post is just to display all types of ambigrams, On Demand and other posts follows it..
Ambigram (n)- A word or words that can be read in more than one way or from more than a single vantage point, such as both right side up and upside down. (from Latin: ambi=both + gram=letter).
Asymmetrical Ambigrams
1. "Symbiotograms"
2. Figure/ground Relationships
3. Oscillations
Symmetrical Ambigrams
1. Rotational
2. Bilateral/Mirror Image
3. Chain (Rotational)
4. Chain (Bilateral)
5. "Web" Ambigrams
6. Totems
The First post is just to display all types of ambigrams, On Demand and other posts follows it..
Rotational- These words read the same when inverted.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Bilateral/Mirror Image-Words that read same when viewed from behind or seen in a mirror.
Chain (Rotational)- These cannot exist as single word alone, but it links to infinite repetitions of the word. Easyily recognized in circle or a spiral.
Eminent ( Chain at 't' )
Chain (Bilateral)- These have the same properties as rotational chains, but read the same in a mirror or from behind.
Master ( Chain at 'r' )
Web ambigrams- These are an extended version of the chain ambigram, creating a vertical series of horizontal chains.
Excellent ( Chain at 't' linked at both 'l')
Totems- The words read vertically, and have mirror-image symmetry.---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Symbiotograms- These ambigrams depict two words. They can be either rotational or bi-lateral.
Manoj n' Succeed
Figure/ground Relationships- The negative spaces within the letters also read as letters.
Manoj n' Hopes
Oscillations- These words are designed to read as either of two words.
Manoj n' Respect